Fajã da Caldeira do Santo Cristo

Quatro fábricas da Luz - São Miguel PR39 SMI


Trail Info

This small linear route crosses several places of great historical importance in the industrialization of the island, late 19th century - beginning of the 20th century, showing the starting of the production and distribution of electric energy through renewable sources, promoted by Eng. José Cordeiro (1867 – 1908).

Begin the trail at the parking place of Parque Escutista dos Lagos. Facing South, cross the gate next to the stream and walk until the water reservoir that used to supply the factory Fábrica da Cidade (1904 – 1974). Nowadays the reservoir supplies the Mini Hydric Central of Ribeira da Praia, built in 1990 and beginning the production in 1991. Follow the road left of the reservoir going down until the Fábrica da Cidade, two buildings in ruins next to the stream. Continue South passing by a detour, on the left towards the stream, where it is possible to see the old loading chamber of Fábrica da Vila.

Back to the main road and arriving to a fork, choose left until you reach the base of one of the waterfalls of Ribeira da Praia. Here, we can see the ruins of the factory Fábrica da Vila (1899/1900 – 1972), the oldest of the four. Follow the marks parallel to the stream by a wood mainly with Australian Cheesewood (Pittosporum undulatum) and Australian Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon). Arriving to an area with agricultural fields, go down again to the stream, where it is possible to dive in Cascata do Segredo waterfall to the left, or choose the Poço dos 30 Reis on your right.

Continue the road following the old water pipe until Lugar da Praia. Near the fountain, profit the detour on the right and visit the small museum Núcleo Museológico da Electricidade – Fábrica da Praia (1911 – 1974).

To visit the facilities, you should book in advance with the company Grupo EDA – EDA Renováveis (eda@eda.pt/ 00351 296 202 000).


Trail Information

Category - Linear
Difficulty - Easy
Extension - 2.1 km
Time average - 01h30
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